About me:

I am a musician-activist based in Bristol, UK. I perform music at political events such as fundraisers or protests, write political songs and try to spread political messages at other performances. ‘The Lights of Tangiers’ (below) is song I wrote about West African refugees and migrants struggling at the Morocco-Spain border, which has been the main cause I was involved in. You can hear my other music here: https://razoconnor.bandcamp.com/.

I currently work full-time and have 2 small children so have had to reduce my music and political activism considerably. Now I am mainly studying theory in anticipation of becoming more politically active once my children are older, but in the past I was heavily involved in what I would describe as ‘Anti-Authoritarian Socialist’ politics.

This meant being involved in movements fighting for the interests of the working class and against the interests of capitalism, whilst also opposing authoritarian tendencies within those same movements. Generally within any movement I advocate that there should be robust structures of democratic accountability for the leaders, with a high degree of autonomy for individuals and grassroots groups.

The causes I was heavily involved in as a musician-activist included: Anti-War/Arms Trade (especially Afghanistan + Iraq), Anti-Arms Trade, Free Education, Climate Justice, Palestine Solidarity, Migrant Solidarity (No Borders Calais and Morocco), Squatting, Anti-Austerity and Workers’ struggles.

I have a Masters Degree in Global Political Economy. Academically I adopt a Marxian perspective, with some Foucauldian influences. My research was mainly on the situation of Black African transit migrants at the Morocco-EU border (see ‘The Lights of Tangiers’ video above). I am currently working on PhD applications.


  1. Wow i really love your writings and so true. I SO AGREE , IT SEEMS THE WHOLE SYSTEM WE ARE CURRENTLY IN IS ALL ABOUT CONTROL , FEAR AND POWER YET THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR XXXX LIFE IS ABOUT LOVE AND HEALING HELPING EACH OTHER BUT, Many are caught up in a crysalis of false belief xxxx but just like butterflies it can change xxxx


  2. OMG you guys (or should I say ‘folK’ because all of gender is just a capitalist construction designed to tear us apart amirite?) are so right on! Vulva la revolucion!!


  3. I see your revolution and raise you a re-evolution 🙂 Ours was not a chance meeting at Over the Moon, it was good to finally meet ‘again’ :D. I agree with every word you said and more people need to be inspired by these words so shall do my best to disseminate your sentiments. Great voice, great vision Ras. A pleasure and privilege to know you!


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